
The life rant.

Life is so strange. I honestly don't understand it. Maybe it's not life, but it's more the people that are here; the people that surround us, that can make or break us. Some think that if we're unhappy we only have ourselves to blame, but I think it's a combination of that and who we hang around. If people can make you happy, they sure as hell can make you sad too. If you spend your time with unhappy people, chances are you'll be unhappy as well. It's almost like a cold, it can pass on with the slightest effort. Another thing that I don't understand is the way people act. Whether it's idiotic, racist, ignorant or any other type of adjective. Yes, people can even be prickly. :) I mean, what's wrong with us that we have to make ourselves feel better by making others feel worse? You don't know me. You don't know my life and what I've been through or what I do. But you may be judging me just by reading this. I suppose in this world it's just becoming natural, which is truly devastating. I'm sick of guys being so conceited and almighty. We're more than just looks, you know. I sure as hell know that I'm smart, and I flaunt that, and my looks. No. I'm not ugly just because I'm smart. OH, and don't get me started on the girls who don't even try to be smart. I go to school with girls who think "temporarily" is a big word. I just don't get people. I can deal with most of them, but some people just need to go play in traffic. Closed minded people especially. In Utah, there's more than you can imagine. All the Mormons just have the get up in your face about every little thing you do that's "impure" or anything that they wouldn't do, because they "Choose the Right". I honestly don't know who will read this, but maybe you'll agree with me on the fact that not everyone has to believe the same damn thing. I'm sick of all this bullshit about gay marriage and abortion. If you don't want it, then don't get one! It's not going to make any difference to you if Jim and Billy down the street get married. If you don't believe in abortion, that's cool, I don't either, but no one's forcing you to get one. If you think it's murder, let that settle in their minds and they can choose for themselves. You can't tell people what to do with their bodies or their lives. It's not your job to choose for them, so just butt the hell out. I'm straight and I've never been pregnant, but I'm not going to take someone else's rights away, just because they don't do anything for me. Another topic I'd have to say I don't get, is racism. I mean, what the hell? It's one of the most ridiculous things we deal with today. So, Utah voted mostly for McCain in the election last year. You can't even imagine what I heard at school the day after he was elected. People would walk past me in the hall saying, "Dude, Obama sucks." "Yeah, but he'll get shot sooner or later, so it's okay." I honestly had to do everything in my power not to knock them out. I don't care what you say, just cause you won't be the one shooting him you're still racist. This whole thing is plain stupid. I've personally been for him since the beginning, but even though he's going to be inagurated on Tuesday, people still don't give him the respect he deserves. He's a president, and that's more than half of what the people against him could ever achieve. Anyways I'm pretty much going to call this good and say you pretty much know what I'm about. I'm the girl who speaks against the crowd. I don't want to shove my own opinions down your throat but I do want you to see all possibliities. I'm an intelligent girl who knows to back up what she says. I'm for peace and unity. I'm for equal rights to everyone, no matter what their sexual preference, or race is. I'm just a girl with ideas.

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